Back Pain: Top Organizations Recommend Against Opioids | Tulsa Chiropractor

Bottom Line: At last, many top healthcare organizations are taking a stand against the prescription of opioids for treating back pain. The American Pain Society, Harvard Health, and the American College of Physicians have all recommended that people suffering from back pain seek conservative care options, such as Chiropractic, before taking any medications. What’s more,…

Playing In the Dirt and Chiropractic Adjustments | Tulsa Chiropractor

Growing research is starting to show that kids exposed to a variety of germs early on in life are less likely to develop allergies, asthma or autoimmune disorders as they grow older. A study published in the Journal Science demonstrates that exposure to microorganisms at an early age is associated with protection from immune-mediated diseases…

How Frequently Do I Need to be Adjusted? | Tulsa Chiropractor

There is not one simple, one-size-fits-all answer to a question about how frequently a person should have a chiropractic adjustment. Each person’s individual needs and overall health must be taken into account. That said, a reasonable short answer to this question is “whenever you have developed a subluxation (or spinal misalignment).” However, knowing when this…

Having the Right Backpack and Using It Correctly | Tulsa Chiropractor

Healthcare researchers and providers alike are growing increasingly concerned that American kids are suffering from back pain earlier in their lives and in larger numbers than ever before. And experts closest to the problem believe that overweight, improperly designed, and misused backpacks may be a big part of the reason why. Short-Term Injuries and Longer-Term…

The Best Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol | Tulsa Chiropractor

Cholesterol is an important nutrient essential to many bodily functions. Every one of the body’s cells is surrounded by a membrane in which cholesterol plays an important part. Cholesterol is responsible for the building and maintenance of these cell walls and also helps regulate membrane permeability. Cholesterol is also necessary for nerve cell communication, is…